Want a life changing experience? #OptOutside


REI, an outdoor store, has popularized the hash tag #OptOutside. When you visit their #OptOutside website, you see the following headline: “there are questions only the outdoors can answer… find out.” What follows is various links to articles, podcasts and websites detailing a whole host of information including events near you, information about gear, sustainability, facts about nature, play, etc. It’s a handy resource for anyone interested in exploring the outdoors.

So, what's life changing about #OptOutside? REI states “we believe a life outdoors is a life well lived. And we want to help everyone discover the benefits of spending time outdoors.”

Here's a short list of the benefits of spending time in nature:

  • Decreased stress

  • Decreased anxiety

  • Improved mood

  • Improved memory

  • Increased positive thoughts

  • Improved problem solving

  • Improved health and immunity

  • Improved attention

  • Improved trust and caring

Sounds great, right? But there’s more. “There are questions only the outdoors can answer…” You spend some time outside and you learn about yourself. Nature has a gentle way of giving us perspective on our self as well as our broader experience and beliefs. In other words, it fosters inner and outer awareness, leading to a better understanding of both, and therein lies great potential for healing and growth.

-You learn your strengths… and that you are stronger than you think!

-You learn your limits.

-You learn problem solving.

-You learn about yourself in relationship to others.

-You learn what matters most to you.

And it doesn’t take some big wilderness experience to gain all that spending time outdoors has to offer. Research shows even 20 minutes makes a difference, with a recent article showing 120 minutes a week is optimal.

So what are you waiting for?!

Comment below to share about your recent or upcoming outdoor adventure or how spending time outdoors has benefitted you.

If you are interested in exploring the benefits of spending time outdoors for yourself via walking therapy sessions or if you have questions about what this looks like, I would love to hear from you!

Amanda Talley