Photo Journal: Connemara Meadow Nature Preserve
Not long ago, I was running errands and passed a sign along the road for Connemara Meadow Nature Preserve. As the meme suggests below, I was intrigued. I had never heard of it, so I made a note to myself to return later.
The preserve consists of 72 acres of open meadows and Pecan Groves along Rowlett Creek. It is private property opened to the public “so future generations could experience the great outdoors in all its natural beauty.” The park is located off Alma Road, officially in Allen, TX, but right on the Plano border. My GPS directed me straight to the parking lot but there was a sign indicating the preserve parking is closed and directs you to Suncreek Park or Albright Drive. We parked at Suncreek Park (just South of the preserve entrance) and followed the concrete path East. The entrance to the preserve is just beyond the bridge. From there, we turned right which opened up to a series of meadows with mowed trails. We didn’t see a map, so we openly explored the meadows and Pecan grove along the creek. While we didn’t cover the entire preserve, we walked nearly 2.6 miles. No bicycles or motorized vehicles allowed; dogs are allowed and must be on a leash. In the hour we spent there, we only passed one other person.
For more information you can view the interactive map here. And if I can remember, I’ll share a couple videos to the @wildernew_outdoortherapy Instagram.
Happy exploring!
Sun Creek Park
The bridge between Sun Creek Park and Connemara Meadow
Preserve entrance from Sun Creek Park
Entering into the meadows
Not knowing where I was going, or the boundaries of the park, I generally followed the mowed paths
Winding paths through the grasses
Pecan Grove
Rowlett Creek
The concrete path continues under Alma Road, but we haven’t explored further at this point!
First signs of Autumn. It must be nice to visit the meadows during the Spring and Summer in order to see more wildflowers.