Lake Mineral Wells State Park Photo Journal
Below you will find photos from a recent trip to Lake Mineral Wells State Park in Mineral Wells, Texas. At about an hour and twenty minutes West of Dallas, it is an easy option for a day trip. State parks are limiting entrance due to COVID-19, so obtaining a day pass in advance may be required. The best thing about Lake Mineral Wells State Park is the variety it offers—hiking, camping, boating (with kayak/canoe rentals available), equestrian trails/camping, fishing, and rock climbing.
We started out on the North side of the park and created a 7.67 mile loop. We began with the Cross Timbers Black Trail and stayed to the East side as we headed North, connecting to the Cross Timbers Green Trail, Orange Trail, and Maroon Trail before heading back South along the West side using the Cross Timbers Yellow Trail, then back to the Green, Primitive Camping Trail, and back to the Black.
NOTE: if you are looking to do the same during hotter months, we would recommend starting on the West side as you head North and coming back down the Eastern trails, simply because there is more shade on the East. The first image below is of the map given to us by the state park upon entering and the second image shows a map of our exact route.
After cooling down in the air conditioned car (so thankful for air conditioning!), we drove back across the dam to check out the swimming and boating areas and pick up Gatorade from the Park Store to help rehydrate. Then we drove to Penitentiary Hollow in the Southeast corner of the map to see views of the lake from an overlook and hiked down to the rock climbing area… that’s right, outdoor rock climbing less than an hour and a half outside of Dallas!
Next time, we plan to rent a canoe and explore the park by water as well as come prepared for rock climbing.
Visit the official website.
Happy exploring!
Trail map given out at the ranger station
7.67 mile loop through the Cross Timbers Trails, which were very well marked and easy to follow.
Shady, red rocks and a variety of scenery along the Cross Timbers Trail
Rock Creek from the Orange Trail
Cross Timbers Maroon Trail offers more hills and views
While the camera didn’t quite capture it, the views of rolling hills was a nice change of scenery!
Having a bit of fun before beginning our descent and return.
This is my friend, Rachel, who loves adventure and pushes past her own fears to live life fully! I love that about her and am grateful for her adventurous spirit.
Rock Creek along the Yellow Trail
At this point, we were really wishing for shade as temperatures climbed to 102 degrees Fahrenheit and paused each time we found it, which wasn’t often.
Lake Mineral Wells
One of my favorite hiking rituals is to immediately remove my hiking shoes after the hike is over. My feet were grateful to switch to Chaco’s for the swimming area. And the water felt great after a hot, long hike!
Penitentiary Hollow Overlook
I haven’t been rock climbing since my NOLS trip, so I couldn’t help but get a feel for the rock. I’ll surely be back with gear for climbing after I brush up on building anchors (a skill I never thought I’d need, but alas…)
Itching to go back!
Hiking with friends is better! Pro tip: if you’re looking for a hiking buddy, there are a lot of online groups that coordinate hiking outings. Check out Facebook for hiking groups local to you.