Behind the Name



“Our lives can become a wilderness when experiences expose our frail and tenuous existence. Episodes of bewilderment, abandonment, and inner terror reveal our soul’s restless cravings and fundamental neediness.

            In the wilderness we can lose our bearings.

            Or regain them.

            The wilderness can be such a catalyst for good…”

- Dr. Timothy S. Laniak in While Shepherds Watch Their Flocks

Wildernew™ combines the words “wilderness” and “new” to highlight the potential newness that may arise out of a literal or metaphorical wilderness experience.

The literal wilderness describes a complex place which can be chaotic, unknown and harsh while also displaying an abundance of life, order and possibility.

Metaphorically, wilderness may describe a time when one’s life feels out of balance with a loss of purpose, direction or identity. Yet, it is precisely this state that can lead to deep reflection and understanding that results in meaningful change. As Laniak adds in his book, “the wilderness is also associated with wild expectations… the ‘formless and void’ into which God speaks a new creation.”

To me, Wildernew™ captures the complex process of therapy; whether you join me inside on the couch or outside in the nature preserve, the process is the same, but the method is different. Despite the discomfort and challenges, this wilderness allows for perspective and realignment with what is most important in life, and in the process, it can provide renewal, reorientation, growth and vitality.

Some have asked: why not wait until the New Year to launch the identity of Wildernew™ ? For me, Christmas is a holiday and season of hope. As Winter approaches, the trees are bare, the days are short and another year and decade is coming to an end. Just when we need it, there is this grand reminder of hope and newness of life in celebrating the birth of Christ.