7 Tips to Protect Your Recovery From an Eating Disorder While Hiking


Curious about how to guard against an eating disorder while getting the benefits of spending time outdoors? Read below for 7 recommendations:


1.     Intentionality: Consider setting intentions from your “wise mind” before you venture out.  (If you’re wondering about wise mind, it is similar to the intuitive balance, or middle ground, between what is emotionally driven and what is driven by logic and reason.) Consider the following: How far do you want to go? What pace? Length of time? What do you want to get out of this time? What clothing will you wear – do you feel comfortable and does it support a mindful walk or more of an exercise frame of mind?


2.     Mindfulness: be mindful and present to help you stay on track with intentions and be aware of your eating disorder’s objectives vs. your own. Specifically: focus on your senses- what do you SEE, what do you HEAR, what do you SMELL, what can you FEEL? Pay attention to your heart and breath while walking, which may promote body-neutrality and a mind-body connection.


3.     Slow your pace. Shirin Yoku or “forest bathing” recommends a very slow, mindful pace for maximum benefits of spending time outdoors beneath a canopy of trees. At a minimum, be able to maintain a conversation without being out of breath. Slower is better.


4.     Accountability: Go with a supportive friend or family member and let them know your intentions and/or limits so they can support you.


5.     Honesty: Know your vulnerabilities and know when you’re in emotion mind versus wise mind.


6.     Flexibility: Be flexible to change plans to another location or speed (perhaps sitting on a bench in a small park like Celestial in Addison could be a more soothing option if it’s tempting to over-exercise). You can always go another day if you find you’re not in the best frame of mind.


7.     Refuel: Discuss with your team or dietitian ahead of time, but incorporate a snack or meal. It’s natural to replenish or refuel while expending energy. It’ll also help keep you warm in winter months while giving you energy for your day!


I hope this helps you find balance as you seek to enjoy the benefits of spending time outdoors. Happy exploring!